Brian Rasel is seeking the Republican nomination in the April 23rd Primary Election. The 56th
Legislative District serves residents in western Westmoreland County. This will be an open seat
currently held by Representative George Dunbar who is not seeking reelection.
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brian, and his wife, Cailtyn, are raising their three
children, Reagan, Remi Jane and Beau, in their Penn Township home. Like many of us who grow
up here, the couple were both taught a belief system based on three simple principles – Faith,
Family and Freedom; The same principles they are teaching their children. Brian is a
conservative Republican who as a State Representative will never forget his top priority is to
represent the hard-working men and women of the 56th State House District at home and in
Dedicated to our community, Brian worked for Representative Dunbar since 2014, most
recently serving as his Chief of Staff before stepping down to devote his full attention to
running for this office. In this role, Brian navigated state and local government on behalf of
constituents seeking solutions to their issues. He was also responsible for the management of
key legislative issues important to our area that positively impacted taxpayers, families,
businesses, volunteer fire departments, gun owners, non-profits and more. Brian was
instrumental in helping local community organizations obtain state grants. This extensive
experience will enable Brian to hit the ground running on day one.
Wanting to do more to help his neighbors and his community, Brian served as a borough
councilman while living in Irwin Borough. On council, he worked with his colleagues to protect
taxpayers and to provide top-quality services to the residents. A true fiscal conservative not
only in words, but in actions, Brian never voted to increase taxes during his tenure in office. He
also strived to help make local government run more efficiently and effectively for borough
residents. He’ll use this experience to carry on Rep. Dunbar’s good work reforming state
government and safeguarding our tax dollars.
As a husband, father and dedicated community leader, Brian will fight to uphold our
Constitutional rights and is a member of the National Rifle Association. He is pro-life and shares
our western Pennsylvania values. Brian understands government is not always the solution,
but is often the problem, hurting the small businesses driving our economy. This was never so
evident as during the pandemic. As our State Representative, Brian will be a strong voice for
our rights and our freedoms by providing strong conservative leadership on important issues
like election reform, opposing the open borders and supporting our police and first responders.
Brian is active in our community serving as a member of the Penn Area Library Board and
having served on the Trafford Community Library Board. He has been a member of the
Westmoreland County Republican Party for more than ten years serving as Chair of District 2,
Secretary of WCRC and has chaired the Westmoreland County Young Republicans.